
A Palco Escola realiza, desde 2022, palestras sobre Educação em Direitos Humanos para diferentes públicos. E em 2023 ganhamos o prêmio nacional Top Inovação, na categoria Direitos Humanos, realizada pelo Grupo Uninter. Muito felizes com esta conquista!

A Palco Escola foi a vencedora da etapa regional do prêmio Itaú Unicef 2015. Entre quase 2 mil concorrentes de todo o país, o trabalho, que oferece aulas gratuitas de teatro a alunos e alunas de escolas públicas, ficou em primeiro lugar na categoria médio porte regional Sul.
Baixe nossa revista, feita pelos profissionais da Palco Escola, sobre arte, educação e arte-educação. É gratuito!
PALCO ESCOLA project was the winner of the regional stage of the award ITAÚ UNICEF 2015. Among nearly two thousand competitors from all over Brazil, the project offers free theater classes and other arts to public school students. It took first place in south medium-sized regional category.
About Us
PALCO ESCOLA project, carried out by Associação Amigos do Pé no Palco, works with adolescents between 13 and 18 from public schools, with dificulties to access cultural goods and often exposed to socioeconomic vulnerability. The work is a contribution to the efforts to promote social inclusion and awareness of the importance to access the culture.
We believe in art as a way to an integral education, in the power of theater to the construction of reflective critical thinking and creative coexistence that values the sensible world, the exercise of citizenship and healthy occupancy.
Thus, we offer to adolescents and young the approach to cultural goods and the development of their artistic skills, enhancing self-esteem, making them more confident, supporting them in their career choices in the field of art or in another profession, and generating positive stimulation face the challenges of this stage of life.
In PALCO ESCOLA project, students have free classes in various art forms, especially the theater, and great results are seen in the self-esteem of participants in school performance and socializing with friends and family.
Each student who attends the project develops a special love for the arts, and takes it for life!
Direct support
The PALCO ESCOLA project is encouraged by individuals and corporations who believe in education through the art. With the support of businesses and citizens, contributing to the transformative power of culture, hundreds of children and young people have their lives changed for better.
Come and see our work, our facilities, structure, our working group and the children and young people attended. If you want to know our activities, and perhaps even contribute, either with a visit, with your life story, a professional experience or an opportunity to convey human values to our students, send a message to
Support this initiative and enable that the lives of our students continues to improve. Contact us to learn how you can contribute to the PALCO ESCOLA project.
If you know our socio-educational and cultural projects and recognize the need for them to have continuity, help us with a voluntary contribution, with any value, for the Associação Amigos do Pé no Palco:
Banco do Brasil
Agência: 3007-4
Conta Corrente: 32.872-3
CNPJ: 05.343.176/0001-60
* Identify your deposit with: EU APOIO (which means “I SUPPORT”).
The art education instigates adolescents and young people to look at the world with different eyes. Know and appreciate all forms of artistic expression acts within each one as a driving force for new ideas, new thoughts and attitudes.
When we believe that we, with our hands and our efforts, that day by day we build the world we live in, we can strongly believe in this kind of education as a values transformer.
Collective work and a global planning of expression activities involve cultural values. The main feature of our methodology is the flexibility, necessary condition to face the unknowns of human relations when it ranks the subjective world and freedom of expression.
Creative meetings and meetings with families seek to integrate them into active process of engagement and participation in the activities and objectives of the project, and enable the exercise of different alternatives for creative living.
The theatrical resources and creative experiences are part of the life of young people always valuing the self processes and the development of individual skills. Seen this way, these resources collaborate for the formation of creative behavior, launching challenges and generating stimuli of all orders.
Qualities and benefits earned by those who attend the project: development of the power of observation, reflection, self-reliance, resourcefulness, psychological maturity, serenity, emotional stability, autonomy, ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of others, and especially the development of individuality, enhancing the skills and highlighting what each has to offer.
Get involved
We know that several art education projects across the country have shown spectacular results, uniting civil society initiatives organized with or without the support of the government.
In this sense, unity and coordination of individuals and companies who believe this same ideal is fundamental to together build and create ways to interact between various strata of society, extolling the strength of creative living, and promoting access to cultural goods, allowing all being closer to the artistic expressions and the benefits that art brings to education and human relations.
In addition to the support available for project sponsorship, we also seek the contribution of people and companies interested in providing continuity to PALCO ESCOLA project.
Therefore, the Associação Amigos do Pé no Palco receives with arms wide open people interested in volunteering in the project and also donations of all kinds, as food (for the project students lunch), office supplies, material for making scenarios and costumes, among others.
Please contact us for more details on how to contribute.
Thank you for your donation.
Rua Conselheiro Dantas, 20. Rebouças
CEP 80220-190 Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil
Tel: +55 (41) 3023-6778